Mindful May

Thank you for joining us and taking the time to connect to yourself, your family and the world around you.

During the month of May we’ll be sharing four weeks of mindfulness practices to experiment and play with.

There are many definitions of mindfulness. It’s about building awareness of our thought patterns, being fully present in what we are doing and giving full attention to those we are with.

When we build awareness of our wandering mind, we notice all the thoughts that stop us from being our authentic self.

A big part of mindfulness is to show ourselves kindness and compassion as we connect back to the present moment and release whatever story we tell ourselves.

Mindfulness provides an avenue for us to unfold ourselves and become who we already are.

Each week we’ll release a different practice for you to try. Let’s get started….

Week 1

Your first activity is a 7 day mindful brushing challenge.

Print out the progress chart, follow the instructions and notice what happens when we turn an everyday task into a mindful activity

Week 2

Meditation can be practiced in many different ways. Movement can develop the stillness that’s required to tune into ourselves, others and the world around us.

Experiment and play with these 3 mindfulness walks and see where they take you.

Week 3

This week we use the awareness that we’ve built over the past two weeks to identify and express our thoughts and emotions.

Activities include; Simply STOP, my Emotional Body Map and my Internal Weather Report.

Week 4

Congratulations on reaching the final week of Mindful May!

This week we cultivated gratitude and recognize the abundance of life. Enjoy exploring gratitude through a guided meditation, My Grateful Heart exercise and an informal daily gratitude practice.